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Historical Motivational Speeches
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Historical Motivational Speeches

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Historical 7th March is a unique day in the history of freedom struggle and liberation war of Bengali nation:

7th March is a historic day. It is a day when the great leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman announced in a thunderous voice in the crowd of millions of people, when I have given blood, I will give more blood, I will release the people of this country, inshallah. This year’s struggle is our liberation struggle, this year’s struggle is the struggle for freedom. In 1971, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for freedom among millions of people at the Race Course Maidan in Dhaka.

n Suhrawardy Udyan in 1971, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (Race Course Maidan) stood in the middle of a huge sea and called for the freedom struggle of Bangladesh. On this day, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave a speech in front of millions of people. This struggle is a struggle for liberation, this struggle is a struggle for freedom. Joy Bangla.

This speech of today’s Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman later became the mantra of the freedom struggle. Usually this speech is a stepping stone towards liberation war. This speech. Similarly this speech Not only in the political sphere Cultural cultural A possibility of identity provision. Basically Through this speech of Bangabandhu through Bengali in of war of war Initiation occurs.

After 7th March originates March 25 is tomorrow night. March 25 is tomorrow night If the story is called But the body will shiver. So terrible. that day On top of sleeping people After the brutal massacre March 26th March 26 the first watch Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Independence Day announced. Then the liberation struggle began. Bangabandhu  sheikh Mujibur Rahman 7th march given historical motivational  speeches.


Historical Motivational Speeches


 Historical March 7. A precious day in the history of freedom struggle and liberation war of Bengali nation.

Similarly,7th  March this speech is not only a political document, but also a possibility for cultural identity of the nation. Bengalis started preparing for the liberation war basically on the call of Bangabandhu’s speech.

Later on the night of March 25, Bangabandhu declared the country’s independence in the early hours of March 26 after the brutal massacre by the Pakistan army. The armed liberation struggle officially began. On October 30, 2017, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s historic March 7 speech was recognized as a world heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO. Because of this speech of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the people of Bengal got the direction of independence. After that, I started to prepare for the final fight for the liberation of the country. Bangabandhu’s speech made the Bengali nation excited with the joy of the imminent Mahamu Mukti.  The mindset of religious modernism was prepared for a strong movement against the state of Pakistan formed on the basis of BJP theory in 1947.He  7th march given historical motivational  speeches.

Bengali ethnicity, nationalism and the formation of the nation state were created through the struggle of 23 years. Then at the final stage, after Bangabandhu’s 7th March speech, students, farmers, workers of any profession, people at all levels began to prepare for the liberation war to achieve Bengali independence.

Thousands of Bengalis responded to Bangabandhu’s call and started moving towards liberation through this speech. They make all kinds of efforts to make this country free. After doing this movement, they snatched the victory on 16th December 1971. Through this victory, independent sovereign gold Bangladesh was born on the world map.

March 7 speech :

Bangabandhu’s speech on the historic 7th March roared the stormy sea of ​​people. The red-green flag with the map of Bangladesh fluttered in the spring wind with the arrogance of millions of people shouting slogans. The thunderous fists of millions of oaths rose in the sky. On that day, Bangabandhu ascended the stage at 3.20 pm. Fagun’s sun is still overhead. After coming on stage he waved to the crowd.

He began his speech in a deep voice, ‘My brothers, today I come before you with a heavy heart….’ Then the poet of the epic of Bengal and Bengali freedom stood in the crowd and announced – ‘This time’s struggle is our liberation struggle…, this time’s struggle is the struggle of independence.’

Only 18 minutes speech. In this short span of time he has covered the entire canvas of history. In his speech, he demanded the withdrawal of martial law, transfer of power to elected representatives of the people, withdrawal of the army to its barracks to stop firing and killings, and formation of a judicial commission to investigate the killings at various places.

Bangabandhu said, ‘Brothers, I don’t want the prime ministership, I want to return people’s rights. Pakistanis could not take me because of the greed of the prime ministership. Could not hang on the gallows. You freed me from the conspiracy case with blood. On this race course that day, I said, I will repay the blood debt with blood. Today I am ready to repay the debt of blood with blood.’

 Sheikh Mujibur Rahman said “I would like to say that from today, courts, high courts, supreme courts, offices and educational institutions will be closed for an indefinite period. No employee will go to the office. This is my order.’

Historical motivational  speeches.:

The last two sentences of Bangabandhu’s speech, which later became a tool of direction and motivation for the final struggle for Bengali independence. Bangabandhu said, ‘When I have given blood, I will give more blood. I will free the people of this country inshallah. This struggle is the struggle for our liberation, this struggle is the struggle for freedom. Joy Bangla’.

Emeritus Professor Anisuzzaman said in an article, ‘Bangabandhu introduced his political thought through the Seventh March speech. In terms of tactics, this speech is remarkable. This speech still moves people.’

He further said that before this speech political workers and public created a kind of pressure for declaration of independence. But he was also aware that after declaring independence, the Pakistani military rulers would continue to repress them with all their might.

Anisuzzaman said, in response to a question whether to declare independence or not, Bangabandhu told a journalist of Newsweek, ‘We are the majority. It is up to the West whether they want to secede.’

Awami League advisor and Tofail Ahmed who was present at that meeting said in a text, ‘Bangabandhu put his glasses on the dias and gave the 19-minute speech that day, the whole of it is unwritten. On the one hand, he imposed four conditions on the Pakistanis, on the other hand, he asked them to build forts from house to house. He talked about killing with rice, talking about killing with water.’Bangabandhu  sheikh Mujibur Rahman  given historical motivational  speeches.

Liberation struggle and Bangabandhu  sheikh Mujibur Rahman 7th march given historical motivational  speeches.:

He also said, ‘I went to Bangabandhu’s house before 7th March. One told him that the people would not accept it without a declaration of complete independence. Bangabandhu told him, you do your work. I am their leader, I will lead them, they not me.’

 The superiority of Bangabandhu’s March 7 speech, history professor Mesbah Kamal said that after Bangabandhu’s speech, the control of Bengalis was established in Bangladesh instead of Pakistanis. Many people write Bangladesh by deleting the word East Pakistan in various places.

He also said that after this speech the whole country continued under the guidance of Bangabandhu. This speech united the entire Bangladesh except for a few Razakars.

According to political experts, Bangabandhu’s speech is not only a call to the Bengali nation to join the liberation struggle. This is the direction to jump into the liberation struggle of all nations.

The Detailed programs have been taken by Awai League and other social and political and social organizations to observe the day with due dignity.Bangabandhu  sheikh Mujibur Rahman 7th march given historical motivational  speeches.

The discussion meeting will be held at Dhaka District Awai mi  League Bhavan (Tejgaon) today at 4 pm.  It will be chaired by Awai mi League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.



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