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Commodity price rise

Commodity price rise

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.The supply in the market is increasing day by day, the price of vegetables has started to decrease:

Throughout the winter, various vegetables such as sweet pumpkin, eggplant, beans. otherwise, cauliflower, gourd, carrot, radish, cucumber, spinach, green leafy greens, red greens, mustard greens, kale. Radish greens Kanchan greens and other types of green vegetables prices were beyond the reach of many people. But, with the onset of winter, the supply of various products such as vegetables has started increasing in the market. And due to the increase in the supply of the product, the price of these vegetables has also started to come within reach.  On Wednesday in Kazipara , Ibrahim, Kaowran bazaar of Dhaka, winter vegetables were seen to be sold at lower prices compared to last week.Many people  are suffering in this year because commodity price rise.

If you go to the market, you can’t match the account:

Commodity price rise

At the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, the prices of various types of vegetables have started to decrease. But at the beginning of winter there was commodities price rise .Every year at some time of winter, the price of vegetables is within the affordability of people .but this season it has become very difficult for poor people to buy vegetable. In that winter, due to high prices, he could not eat vegetables to his satisfaction.Now the price has come down but the fun of winter vegetables is not available.

Commodity price high :

where each gourd was 90 to 110 taka 120 taka last week, today gourd is available for 40 to 50 taka. Cauliflower which was priced at Tk 50 to Tk 60 last week is now available at Tk 25 to Tk 35. Cabbage was priced at 40 to 50 rupees last week but today the same size cabbage is available for 30 to 40 rupees. The radish last week was 35 to 40 taka. this week the price of radish decreased to 25 to 30 taka. The price of carrot has also decreased relatively much.The price of carrot was 100 taka in the beginning of winter, but the price of carrot was 50 to 60 taka towards winter. The price of carrot has come down to between Rs 25 and Rs 30 this week.

People are suffering a lot:

This week the price of radish decreased to 25 to 30 taka. The price of carrThe price of carrot was 100 taka in the beginning of winter, but the price of carrot was 50 to 60 taka towards winter. The price of carrot has come down to between Rs 25 and Rs 30.Mansura Akhter came to Shaorapara market today to do the raw market. He said that he got a little relief when he came to the vegetable market. Daily Star News Ketini said that the prices of all things are so high that the price is not high enough to buy, just to see. But there has been some relief in the vegetable market, but the price has come down prematurely. The fun of eating vegetables during winter is not available in summer anymore. Otherwise, middle class family is very suffering  from commodity price rise.

Poor people is suffering:

Saifur Rahman Chowdhury, General Secretary of Kawran Bazar Kachmaal Paka Arat Malik Traders Association.  He told Daily Star News that the prices of vegetables were very high.as the supply of winter vegetables was low during the whole winter i.e. Paush Magh month. It is true that the price of winter vegetables was relatively high this year compared to other years. In the last few days, however, the supply of vegetables here has increased a lot. But now the demand for vegetables is low . Because of the low demand for vegetables, the price of vegetables has also decreased a lot. For example, the price of potatoes was sold at Tk 30 to Tk 40 per kg in the retail market last week, but today potatoes are sold at Tk 21 to Tk 32 per kg. 


Soybean oil price reduced by 10 rupees per liter:

Commodity price rise

The refining companies of various gentlemen have decided. Officials of importers and manufacturers said that fans can buy soybean oil at the rate of Tk 165 per liter. However, no decision has been taken to reduce the price of palm oil. In a meeting with the officials of the Ministry of Commerce and the consumer goods processors. State Minister for Commerce Ahsanul Islam Titu took the decision to reduce the price of Soybean oil and Soybean oil. Earlier on February 28, the National Board of Revenue decided. To reduce the prices of sugar date rice and waived VAT on imports of refined oil. And reducing the prices of various commodities across the board. Biswajit Saha said that due to the reduction of duty and VAT, per liter has had an impact.

 Why is the onion season so expensive?

Although it is now the full season of onion. The price  has increased by Tk 10 per kg. In the raw markets of the capital in the last four days. The sellers of the raw market in Shaorapara and Kawran Bazar of Dhaka. Yesterday sold onions at Tk 95 to Tk 100, which was Tk 80 to Tk 90 three to four days ago. Because of wholesale sales in the market. According to Sajeeb Sheikh Jana, yesterday he sold onions to retailers at Tk 83 per kg. Which is Tk 10 more than four days ago.

General Secretary of Onion Traders Association Abdul Majed has banned the export of onion from India since December 28 .his address is Shyambazar.

Onion price increase day by day :

Commodity price rise

Pabna Agriculture Officer Mohammad Tariqul Islam. He said that farmers brought home premature crops only to get maximum profit. And as a result of which the supply was less. The prices of the products increased. Traders are going to the houses of farmers to buy onions. but due to lack of sufficient stock. The farmers could not supply them, he said. On the other hand, potato has grown in size. Retailers in the capital’s raw markets yesterday sold potatoes at Tk 45 to Tk 55 per kg. Which is Tk 10 more than a week ago. Because Mohammad Sabuj, the wholesaler of the market. He  said yesterday that he sold 38 rupees of potatoes to the retailers. The price of the team in Barisal was Rs 50 yesterday. Export reduction Increasing domestic supply 28 Last year. Commodity price rise is Common problem in the Country.

The price of rice is also high:

 After food minister Sadhan Chandra Majumdar. He set a deadline for 4 price cuts on January 17, rice traders and millers pledged to cut prices.People have suffered a lot due to increase in the price of rice.  The poor people are suffering more due to the increase in the price of rice. It is very difficult for them to eat two handfuls of rice. We know from Karim Kaka, the rickshaw driver of the market, that six members of his family are finding it very difficult to buy one kilogram of rice. And 6 members need at least one and a half kg of rice every day. But they eat rice for 2 meals and don’t eat for one meal. This is how he spends his days with his children . Finally , we can say commodity price rise is the most problem in Bangladesh.







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