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What Melania said about Trump’s election campaign

Online desk

21 March 2024, 11:05 pm |Online version

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Former US First Lady and model Melania Trump has finally hinted at joining Donald Trump‘s election campaign.


Melania has rarely been seen with Trump in recent times. She was last seen with Trump at her mother’s funeral.

Asked if she would join Donald Trump’s election campaign, the 53-year-old former first lady said, “Wait and see.”

Trump started campaigning in November 2022. Melania has been out of the public eye ever since. Even when Trump was first indicted in March last year, he wasn’t around.

The 77-year-old businessman told NBC News last year about joining his wife’s campaign, too soon. Trump said about him, he is a great person, very confident and loves our country very much. Trump also said that he has been deliberately kept away from corrupt power politics.

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