Daily Star News

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Eating fruit on an empty stomach in the morning will give you these unique 6 benefits Share it follow Eating fruit for breakfast on an empty stomach energizes the brain, aids in weight loss and improves digestion. So start the…

Lady’s Finger

wellness nutritional value As many times as the drum follow Now is the rainy season. When you go to the market, you will see many kinds of vegetables and fruits. Although the English name of our well-known vegetable is okra,…

Belly Fat

wellness Share it follow 7 Vegetables That Help Reduce Belly Fat Many people adopt many methods to reduce belly fat. While exercise and a balanced diet can help reduce belly fat, eating certain vegetables can also speed up the process….


:.This time dengue situation may be worse 849 people died of dengue in the country from 2000 to 2022. 1,705 people died in 2023. The number of infected in the first two and a half months of this year is…