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Azan and iqamah

Azan and Iqamah

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The expiration of fasting and the greatness of the Prophet (PBUH).

Azan  and  iqamah

The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) has set a unique example of expiation. Once in Ramadan, a companion came to Rasulullah (S.A.) and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah (S.A.)! I have destroyed myself, I have had sexual intercourse while fasting.” The Prophet (PBUH) said to him, ‘You set a slave free.” , ‘But instead fast for two months or 60 days.” The man said, ‘O Prophet of Allah (SAW)! I do not have such physical ability.’ Then Rasulullah (SAW) said, ‘But you will feed 60 poor people for two meals.’ The man said, ‘O Prophet of Allah (SAW)! I don’t even have such financial support. Then Rasulullah (SAW) asked him to wait.

After some time, one of the Companions gave a basket of dates to the Prophet (PBUH). Then Rasulullah (SAW) said to that man, ‘Take these and distribute them among the poor.” He smiled a little more, so that his teeth were visible. He (PBUH) said, ‘Well! But eat the dates with your family.’ (Bukhari, Hadith: 1337, Muslim, Hadith: 1111).

How to make expiation for breaking the fast of Ramadan

Kaffarah has to be paid even after fasting. This expiation is to free a slave, and if unable to fast for 60 days, and if unable to do so, to feed 60 poor people twice a day.

For the number of fasts that are broken without Ujr, one Qaza will be made in lieu of each one and an expiation will be added to it for the same month of Ramadan. In other words, if one fast is broken without a logical reason, the kaza and kaffara for it will be 61 fasts, if two fasts are broken, it will be 62 fasts, and if three fasts are broken, it will be 63 fasts.

Kaffarah 60 fasts are to be observed in continuity. If one has a total of 61 or more including Qaza, Kaffara, then at least 61 fasts must be observed continuously. If there is a break or break in the Kaffara fast, another Kaffara becomes obligatory. That is, if there is a break before the completion of 61 fasts, one must start from one and complete 61 fasts.  It is forgivable if it is.


broken due to any acceptable force or constraint. Women shall collect continuously except during special breaks.

If you break your fast due to some compulsion, you have to make up for it later. Qaza is a fast instead of fast.  It is not necessary to observe all the fasts together .

It is not obligatory for children to fast when they are minors, but they fast at their own interest and with the encouragement of their elders. In this state, if they break the fast voluntarily or involuntarily, then they will not need any qaza or kaffarah for this fast.

In the Qur’an, sadaqah (in the sense of zakat) is only for the destitute, the needy and the workers involved in that work; For those who need entertainment, for freeing slaves, for debtors, for those who strive in the way of Allah and for travelers. This is God’s law. Allah is All-Knowing. (Surah Tawba, verse 60).


What is said in Azan and Iqamah?

Ferdous Faisal

Update: 29 February 2024, 17: 04

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What is said in Azan and Iqamah?

Azan is a call to prayer.

The words of Azan

  • Allahu Akbar 4 times
  • Ashhadu al la ilaha illallahu 2 times
  • Ashhadu Anna Mohammadar Rasulullah 2 times
  • Haiya Allah Salah 2 times
  • Haya Alal Falah 2 times
  • Again ‘Allahu Akbar’ 2 times and finally ‘La Ilaha Illallah’ is pronounced 1 time.

“As Salatu Khairum Minannaum” after “Hayya Alal Falah” in the Fajr prayer call means: Prayer is better than sleep. Called 2 times.

Azan  and iqamah

Bengali meaning of Azan

  • God is great
  • I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.
  • I bear witness that Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah.
  • Come for prayer
  • come for welfare
  • God is great
  • There is no god but Allah.

Azan prayer

Ferdous Faisal

Update: 29 February 2024, 17: 05

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Azan prayer

In Islam, worshipers are called upon to attend the daily and Friday prayers in a specific manner. Azan is a call to prayer.

Christians used bells or wooden chimes to call to prayer. The Jews blew the trumpets. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) introduced the Azan in Madinah. The first muezzin in Islam was Bilal Ibn Rabah (RA). Islam calls for prayer five times a day.

Bengali Pronunciation of Azan Prayer:

‘Allahumma Rabba Hajihid Dawatit Tammati Was Salatil Qiymati Ati Muhammadanil Wasilata Wal Fadilata Wad Darjatar Rafi’ata Wab’Ashu Makamam Mahmudanillaji Wa’attahu; Warzukna shafaatahu yaomal qiyamati, innaka la tukhliful miad.’

Bengali Meaning of Prayer of Azan:

O Allah! You are the Lord of this complete invocation and permanent established prayer. Bestow upon Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) Wasila and Sublime status and place him in the place of praise which You have promised him and bestow upon us his intercession on the Day of Resurrection; Surely you do not make exceptions to your promises.

How did the call to prayer come?

On the authority of Abu Umayr Ibn Anas (RA) there is a hadith narrated by one of his Ansari uncles. He said the Prophet (PBUH) was concerned about how to gather people for prayer.  Seeing that, they will inform each other. Rasulullah (SAW) did not like that. Some suggested that trumpets sounded like the Jews. Rasulullah (SAW) did not like that either. Because the custom was Jewish. When some suggested the use of bells, he said, “That is the custom of Christians.”

Abdullah Ibn Zayd (R.A.) left with Rasulullah (S.A.W.)’s thoughts on the matter.  The next morning he went to Rasulullah (SAW) and informed him of the matter and said, ‘O Messenger of Allah (SAW), I was a little drowsy. At that time, a stranger came and taught me the call to prayer.

Origin and purpose of Azan

Similarly, Umar Khattab (R.A.) also learned Azaan through dream yoga 20 days ago. But he kept it a secret. Then (after narrating the dream of Abdullah Ibn Zayd) he also told the Prophet (PBUH) about his dream.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, ‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier?’

Omar Khattab (RA) said, ‘Abdullah Ibn Zayd told me about this before. I am ashamed of this.

Rasulullah (SAW) said, ‘Bilal, get up. Do as Abdullah Ibn Zayd instructs you.’

Then Bilal (RA) gave the call to prayer. Abu Bishar said, ‘Abu Umayr (R.A.) narrated to me, the opinion of the Ansar – Had Abdullah Ibn Zayd (R.A.) not been sick that day, Rasulullah (S.A.W.) would have appointed him as Muazzin.”(Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith: 498) )




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