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Sheikh Hasina

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Unrest in police over promotion

Mahmudul Hassan


Published: 19 August 2024

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Sheikh  Hasina

The police system that collapsed after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government in the face of the student uprising has not yet normalized. Senior officials known as confidants of the previous government have gone into hiding. Some have been relieved and many have been transferred. In this situation, due to the transfer, posting, promotion and running of the officials deprived in the past in important posts, some kind of instability has been created.

Talking to the related sources, it is known that a part of the police officers who were demoted or cornered during the Sheikh Hasina government are trying to influence the police headquarters by identifying them as BNP supporters. Where will they be transferred, who will be promoted; Wanting to establish control in this case. At the same time, several parties have prepared a batch-wise list of officials who were deprived during the Awami League period and staunch supporters of the Awami League. As a result, many of the professional officers are uncomfortable and anxious.

We have to look at the promotion issues of some officers who have been deprived for a long time. Before that, I am continuing the work with the second or third responsible officer of the concerned place. As per the need of the hour, responsible, professional and acceptable officers with good past records are being appointed to the important posts.

Unrest in police

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Md. Moinul Islam

In the past, several officers who have been demoted due to falling under the influence of influential police officers or staying in certain areas, told Daily Star News’ on the condition of anonymity, that there are many qualified people among the deprived officers. Also some were not promoted due to criminal activities.

Now they also want to surpass the professional officials. Some are also using political communication to create pressure. Under their pressure, a promotion proposal was sent directly from the post of Superintendent of Police (SP) to the post of DIG. Some of those who had been stuck in less important positions (known as dumping positions) for a long time became frustrated and engaged in business.

However, the Inspector General of Police (IGP) said. Moinul Islam told’ Daily Star News’ last Saturday, ‘We have to look at the promotion issues of some officials who have been deprived for a long time. Before that, I am continuing the work with the second or third responsible officer of the concerned place. As per the need of the hour, responsible, professional and acceptable officers with good past records are being appointed to the important posts.

73 people became DIG in one day

In this situation, the Public Security Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a notification for the promotion of 73 people as Deputy Inspector General (DIG) on Sunday afternoon. 31 of them have been made DIG directly from SP.

73 persons were promoted in two separate notifications. Out of these 10 have been promoted to DIG on a regular basis. The rest were promoted as supernumerary DIGs. One of them was attached to the Barisal Range DIG office as OSD (Officer on Special Duty) since 2009.

Sources in the know say that in the last 15 years of Sheikh Hasina’s government, there has been massive partialization in the police force. The country has long been criticized for using the police as a baton force in suppressing opposition political forces and conducting one-sided or flawed elections.

The governing authorities of the police are under the challenge of reorganizing the battered police system at the field level to restore normalcy and morale. Added to this is the pressure of promotion of the deprived. Besides, there is a strong demand to bring the officials involved in the torture and oppression of people under punishment.

The concerned persons say that in the current situation professional and skilled officers are needed at the highest level to handle all aspects including police restructuring. There is a deficiency in this field.

Sources in the know say that in the last 15 years of Sheikh Hasina’s government, there has been massive partialization in the police force. The country has long been criticized for using the police as a baton force in suppressing opposition political forces and conducting one-sided or flawed elections. During the latest anti-discrimination student movement, the Sheikh Hasina government made the police face the people through unprecedented use of force. As a result, with the fall of Sheikh Hasina, from the IGP to the lowest rank officials left the workplace and went into hiding.

Skilled officers are needed to handle the pressure

Everyone has seen where the partisan officials have taken the forces during the previous government. This situation should not be repeated.

Former IGP Noor Mohammad

The situation went to such a level that even lower ranking officers and constables in the Rajarbagh Police Lines protested demanding justice for the officials responsible for bringing the police to this point. They allege that over the past 15 years, a class of overzealous officers has created a terrible negative image of the police. At the same time, a class of officials have become owners of huge wealth through multi-faceted corruption including recruitment, transfer, promotion and taking bribes from people as hostages. In many cases, the avenues for victims to seek redress are also narrowed. As a result, after the fall of the government, all the anger of the people fell on the police and their establishment.

After the formation of the interim government led by Muhammad Yunus, the police are slowly returning to normal operations. By last Thursday, all the police stations of the country started their activities. Although the army has to provide security to the police stations.

However, to restore the morale of the members, the higher level of the police has not been seen to visit the field yet. Officials concerned say that many of the officials who became influential during the interim government are more keen to secure good positions for themselves and their close ones. Because of this, they do not have significant activity to restore overall order.

However, the new IGP told Prothom Alo that there is a plan to send senior officials to visit the police stations of the country. Moinul Islam.

Mohammad Haroon Or Rashid, Biplab Kumar Sarkar, Pralaya Kumar Jowardar, criticized for their controversial activities, have not yet joined the work. It is not yet known where they are.

Meanwhile, the contractual appointment of IGP Chowdhury Abdullah Al-Mamun appointed by the Sheikh Hasina government has been canceled.

Former Chief of Police Special Branch (SB) Monirul Islam and former Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Habibur Rahman, who are known to be highly trusted officials of the Sheikh Hasina government, have been retired from service. Mohammad Haroon Or Rashid, Biplab Kumar Sarkar, Pralaya Kumar Jowardar, criticized for their controversial activities, have not yet joined the work. It is not yet known where they are.


In previous raids, officials went into hiding

With the Sheikh Hasina-led government in power for more than 15 years, party identity at all levels of the police became very important. If they directly did BLA politics or had any of their family members in important positions in Awami League, they were ‘especially valued’ in the army. After Sheikh Hasina left the country, they went into hiding, many still do not have the courage to come out.

On the other hand, some who were involved in anti-Awami League politics during their student life, became confidants of the government during the rule of Awami League through controversial activities. It is said that some of them are now trying to prove themselves as supporters of BNP or Jamaat.

IGP Md. Moinul Islam told’ Daily Star News’ last Saturday that the police force had to be controversial because of some overzealous officers. The process of taking action against them is ongoing. Besides there is mistrust of some officers within the force and among the people, work is being done to appoint good officers.

After the interim government came to power, the transfer and posting of officials in important posts as well as other posts started. In some cases, work is being carried out with ongoing responsibility. At the same time, it is said that the process of promoting the officials who have been demoted for a long time is going on.

Changes in important posts

There is more interest in being in DMP among officers at different levels of police. Among them, 8 crime divisions in DMP, 50 police stations under it and 10 intelligence divisions (DBs) and some posts in DMP headquarters are said to be ‘Balo Padayan’. Most of the people working in these places are known as ‘influential’ officers in the army. However, for Superintendent of Police (SP) rank officers, District SP post is considered as the most attractive. In this case, major districts including Dhaka, Narayanganj, Gazipur, Comilla, Chittagong are specially seen.

In case of DIG rank officers, other than range DIG and DMP, the post of commissioner of metropolitan units is most attractive. Apart from this some posts in Police Headquarters, Special Branch (SB) of Police, Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and Police Bureau of Investigation (PBI) are considered as ‘good postings’.

After the interim government came to power, the transfer and posting of officials in important posts as well as other posts started. In some cases, work is being carried out with ongoing responsibility. At the same time, it is said that the process of promoting the officials who have been demoted for a long time is going on.

However, the list of officials who have been deposed for 15 years is also long. The process of their appointment has started gradually. On August 11, five officers of the rank of Additional Superintendents of Police (Additional Deputy Commissioners) were posted as Deputy Commissioners (Superintendents of Police) of five divisions of DMP. Later, it was found out that one of these officers is BCS 20th batch, one is 22nd batch, one is 25th and two are 27th BCS batch officers. Other officers of these batches are currently working at the lowest SP post from DIG.

Changes in important posts

Four of these five officials told “ Daily Star News’ ‘ that they were not involved in any crime during their working life. Due to political reasons or lack of approval from higher authorities, they are kept as Additional Superintendents of Police. Even though 150 officers were promoted to the post of Supernumerary SP despite not having the post, the same was not done in their case.

Similarly, officers of the rank of Superintendent of Police have also been given the duty of Additional DIG. On August 13, three such officers were given the charge of Joint Commissioner (Additional DIG) in Dhaka Metropolitan Police. Among them, one is a BCS 18th batch, one is a 22nd batch and one is a 24th batch officer. Most of the 18th batch officers are now working as DIGs and Additional DIGs.

However, during the last election, most of those who held important positions in various district and metropolitan police are still in their previous positions. According to the related sources, a large part of them will be removed gradually.

Former IGP Nur Mohammad told Daily Star News , “Everyone has seen where the factional officials have taken the forces during the previous government’s tenure. This situation should not be repeated. He said professional officials should be brought to important positions. In that case, those officers who have suffered variously in the last 15-16 years, not promoted, not posted—who are good and can restore the image of the police, should be brought into important positions. Also, those who have worked professionally in the last 15 years should also be evaluated.

Sheikh  Hasina


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