96 thousand teacher recruitment applications have started, how to apply
Yugantar desk
17 April 2024, 11:10 AM |Online version

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The Private Teachers Registration and Certification Authority (NTRCA) has recently published the fifth public notice for the recruitment of teachers in private schools, colleges, madrasas. According to the notification, 96 thousand 736 posts of teachers will be appointed. Among them, 43 thousand 286 posts of teachers will be appointed in schools and colleges. And 53 thousand 450 posts in madrasas and technical institutions.
Online teacher recruitment application will start from 12 noon on Wednesday. Applications will be accepted till May 9. Applicants can submit the application fee till May 10 at 12 pm.
Applicants should possess desirable educational qualification as per latest Manpower Structure and MPO Policy issued by Department of Secondary and Higher Education and Department of Technical and Madrasa Education. The candidate must apply only to the subject-related posts and educational institutions mentioned in his teacher registration certificate. If the applicant provides false information, legal action will be taken against him including cancellation of the final recommendation.
Age of applicant-
Applicants must be 35 years or less as on 1 January 2024. Applicants can choose 40 educational institutions.
Each applicant can make only one application at the same level (school/college) as per registration certificate. A candidate can choose maximum 40 institutions in his application from the list of vacancies. After giving the choice, if a candidate is willing to work in any educational institution of the country other than his choice, then he has to click Yes in the box named Other Option displayed in the e-Application form. If not willing, click No.
NTRCA advises the candidate to exercise caution while granting institution choice.
teacher recruitment
Institutions which do not have the desired number of students against the respective vacant posts, the MPOs of those institutions may be canceled at a later time / in the future, therefore no recommendation for recruitment can be given for the posts in the MPOs obtained from various private educational institutions which do not have the desired number of students against the vacant posts.
If a candidate has both school and college level certificates and applies for both the posts, he/she will be considered for college level first. If not selected at college level will be considered at school level. School level will not be considered if selected at college level.
Application Fee-
For all applications the applicant has to pay the prescribed fee of 1000 (one thousand) Taka. If the prescribed fee is not paid, the application will be considered cancelled.
However, once recommended, there is no opportunity to apply for the post of employees (MPO members/index holders) in any school in the country. However, if a candidate with a registration certificate (MPO holder/ index holder) at the school level has a college level teacher registration certificate and if he is not a college level MPO holder, he can apply to the college level posts and institutions mentioned in his teacher registration certificate.
On the contrary, if a candidate belonging to MPO with registration certificate at college level has school level teacher registration certificate and if he is not belonging to MPO at school level, then he can apply for the school level posts and institutions mentioned in his registration certificate. However, if the applicant is selected in the institution, the recommendation of the previous institution will be considered null and void.
How to apply
Rules regarding payment of application fee online are given on Teletalk Bangladesh Limited website and NTRCA website. Video tutorial sample (demo) on application and fee payment rules is available on Teletalk Bangladesh Limited website.